Portfolio > VIDEO

Video of Drawing Each Breath, 2012 (in progress). Video by Andy Van Dinh

Drawing Each Breath is a long duration performance that I worked on continuously for hours at a time over the span of April and May at The Nickle Arts Museum in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Essentially, the work pushes the boundaries of my mind and body through the active meditation process of embodied actions for an extended duration.

Like our lives, the work is impermanent and always in a state of becoming or transformation. Of course inevitably, the work will cease to exist at the end of the exhibition. For me, the process of creation is central to the work and inseparable from who I am and thus the resulting artwork.

The work attempts to merge art and spirituality, with simple aesthetics and temporality. All of my actions are embodied with mindfulness. The performance and installation has no permanence or commercial value which is a reflection of the transitory nature of all things.